Life-Changing Quotes for Personal Growth and Success Revealed!

June 2024: Everything in life happens for you, not to you. Byron Katie (The GAP and the GAIN)

June 2024: If you focus on what you lack, you loose what you gain. If you focus on what you have, you gain what you lack. Greg McKeown (The GAP and the GAIN)

Nov 2023: Don’t give 100% of your attention to the external world and to the mind, keep some within (The Power Of Now, Eckhartt Tole)

Oct 2023: Compare yourself to yourself, become 1% better every day (compounding)

July 2023: Ideas are almost always a re-combination of old ideas (Adam Alter Reveals How To Get Unstuck In Life)

July 2023: Hardship heralds the good stuff (Adam Alter Reveals How To Get Unstuck In Life)